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Path of Exile Atlas Passive Tree For Currency

The Atlas passive skill tree in Path of Exile has a lot of options for players to boost map completion and reward gains. The 3.18 Sentinel League and 3.21 Trial of the Ancestors League patches added Keystones to this system, allowing for further content customization.

Focusing on the Atlas nodes early can be a good way to juice Monolith drops and other currency nodes. This strategy also synergizes well with other League mechanics like Legion and Delirium.

Focus on Tuun and Denigris Expedition types

The Tuun and Denigris Expedition types are one of the best early-league mechanics to farm for easy tradeable currencies like Exalted and Divine Orbs. They also produce Logbooks that are worth 20-40 Chaos in trade throughout most leagues and provide a solid base of Atlas passive points.

The Atlas Passive Tree is a powerful tool for customizing your Atlas experience. It offers increased map completion rewards, improved currency drops, and access to powerful rares like Redeemer and Elder Exalts. Moreover, it features strong nodes that increase the value of other currencies and items, such as Watchstones and Essences.

The 3.18 Sentinel League and 3.21 Trial of the Ancestors league expansions added new Keystones to this passive skill tree, further expanding its content customization capabilities. These include the ability to unlock Uber Pinnacle bosses with unique loot and boosted drop rates.

Focus on Expedition logbooks

Expedition Logbooks are a new mechanic introduced with the Expedition league. They drop both Expedition currencies and Expedition rewards similar to maps, but they also grant access to much larger Expedition encounters. These can contain a lot of new cheap poe currency, as well as special new item bases and incredibly powerful bosses.

Unlike maps, Expedition logbooks can have explicit mods, and each one has its own implicit modifiers, ranging from a theme to a certain number of additional underground areas. These areas are filled with runic monsters and reward chests, and can sometimes spawn expedition bosses.

The best way to maximize these rewards is to focus on layouts that offer great open layouts for optimal Explosive Chain releasing or excellent special rewards like Scarabs or Simulacrum Splinters. Additionally, the best logbooks can be rerolled with the Orb of Alchemy to increase their area level and rerollable modifiers, such as increased monsters or more reward chests.

Focus on Tuun and Denigris Expedition rewards

In the early stages of the new league, Atlas rewards like the Tuun and Denigris Expeditions are a great way to get some good money. Combined with the new Atlas passive tree, this strategy provides a strong base of currency to build up.

The Atlas passive tree provides an excellent source of both currency and items. The tree offers a range of mechanics that boost monster density, pack size, and quant to push the value of the new maps. It also focuses on the highest value map rewards like the blue altars and crafted items.

The new Expedition Logbooks are another excellent source of currency. These chests offer a variety of rewards that include rare and exalted orbs, valuable shards, fossils and resonators. These are gambling-style rewards that can provide huge gains if shopped for correctly.



Focus on Tuun and Denigris Expedition mechanics

The 3.18 Sentinel League added 20 new Keystones to the Atlas Passive Tree allowing for more content customization. They allow for more spawns of specific rare monster types and unlock tiers of Uber Pinnacle Bosses. These bosses have unique loot and abilities compared to their normal counterpart.

Prioritizing Tuun and Denigris Expedition mechanics through passives maximizes spawn rate and rewards early in the league without much investment. These mechanics are complementary to other mechanics like Legion, Ritual and Strongboxes. Harvesting is a reliable currency source with consistent payouts that scale with investment. Taking Harvest node passives that increase mob density and pack size maximizes currency gains. Spacing into sextants that duplicate lifeforce drops and increase crop type yields further boosts income. Taking the right combination of passives and sextants can yield good returns even in later leagues.